by Calum Patrick, 2017-2018 was a crowdsourced list of discounts on high quality products (mostly tech/design/fashion related) available for college/university students. The project launched at #1 on Product Hunt, and had 30k+ users. I shut down the website in 2020 as traffic declined and AWS costs stayed the same. GoDaddy is now trying to sell the domain back to me for $1000 :/

I made this version using jQuery, EJS, and Node. My main goal was to use this to help secure an internship at Shopify. I got this interview but not the job because I only knew jQuery. This version's voting system was also really easy to manipulate since I didn't want users to have to sign up for an account in order to vote on discounts.

In 2018 I redesigned the site, added filters for the types of products, added CSRF tokens and manual approval to cut down on spam, and rewrote the front end with React.